Middle Academy Announcements
Leadership Summer Camp is still open to students grades 6-12. If you are interested in attending Mars Hill University campus near Asheville, NC from July 8-12th please be sure to register by May 24th. All payments and forms must be turned in by May 24th to Ms. Jessica Berry. This is a great opportunity for students to meet and work with other students across North Carolina. Students will be put into teams, taught skills on organization, budgeting, team work, communication, and presentation which can all be brought back to EWA to help improve our student council and school community. The cost is $375 per student and includes lodging, all meals, workshop materials, and a t-shirt. Please review the attached video if you are interested and reach out to Mrs. Berry if you have any questions.
Registration Details: https://www.ncasc.us/2024-summer-workshop.html
Video: https://app.screencastify.com/v3/watch/4M4lchnQkQq2RRbO2vXA
Attention Middle Academy Athletes and Families: We hope you will make plans to join us for our Middle Academy Sports Awards on Wednesday, May 29th. Awards will be in the EWA Gym at 6:00 with dessert reception to follow.
Drop and Pick Up
No students are to be dropped off or picked up at building 5. Any student reported will receive disciplinary action.
When arriving for AA pickup in the afternoons, please arrive @3:45 and stay in the right lane closest to the building ONLY.
Middle Academy Events
Yearbooks are now available if you would like to purchase one. They are $70.
You can pay with a check, please make it to East Wake Academy and put "yearbook" on the memo line. You can pick up a yearbook from Ms. Moore in the office. Do not ask her to "save" you a yearbook. If you would like to purchase one, they are first come, first served.
Please do not drop off students on campus in the morning before carpool. If you need to drop off earlier than 7:40, please utilize the morning WINGS service.
Middle School carpool in the afternoon does not begin until 3:15. If you arrive earlier you will be asked to go to the back of the line. Students are in class until their release time of 3:15.
Students, during carpool you are to be seated in your classroom watching the screen for your carpool number to come up. Students are not to be in the hallways, standing up within the classroom, but waiting for your number to be displayed. Parents are not to arrive before 3:20. Students are to only be dismissed by your teacher to head to carpool when you both see your number come up. Any students seen at carpool without permission or prior to release time will face disciplinary action. Thank you for following the rules that have been in place for your safety.
Middle Academy Sports
When athletes have away games please initial the roster located outside of the Middle School entrance. Do NOT enter the Middle School office unless checking out another student that is not playing sports.
When there is a home game, students need to be picked up during carpool and brought back to school for the game. Students may not linger after school.
Students are NOT to leave for sports while in transition to the next class. They may exit at the time of dismissal for that game day.
No Sporting Events Today
Please contact Coach Bowman if you have any questions. (bbowman@eastwakeacademy.org)