A Message from the Superintendent

Opening of School 2021-22

We are so excited about our return to campus and our return to face-to-face instruction.  We are opening 100% F2F, and we can’t wait.  We cannot say we are returning to normal, but we can tell our “new normal” will be great.  We will take the best of what we do (face-to-face instruction) and bring in lessons learned from remote learning. 

Our families are a special group of people, and the past 18 months have been trying and have affected each of us in some way.  The key to our future is to be understanding, compassionate, and empathic with others.  Our students, families, and staff will all need to relearn what school is like on campus.  We will have growing pains, but we are all in this together, and we are all here to support each other. 

This will be the first of many updates as we move closer to the opening of school.  If you have a question and do not answer it, please reach out to your child’s house administrator. Together, we will continue to be the best educational option in Eastern Wake County.

Open House:  July 26 (Grades 1 - 12) – Our Open House will be on campus, and we invite all families to attend. The format will be floating (meaning you pick the time you here). Remember that this is a time to meet teachers, visit the campus, and see peers you have not seen in a while. It is not a time for individual conferences. You can schedule those with your child’s teacher later.  You will not recieve your child's homeroom teacher information until Open House.

  • Elementary                 3:30 – 5:00
  • Middle Academy     4:30 – 6:00
  • High School                5:30 – 7:00

Notice that times overlap so you do not have to leave campus or have an extended wait time if you have students in multiple HOUSES.

Carpool:  Detailed carpool information will come in later messages.  You will receive carpool tags at the Open House.  Carpool has not had any significant changes, but please remember to check your arrival times and be patient as it usually takes a week to smooth things out! 

Uniforms:  Please review the uniform policy located on our website.  Go ahead and get haircuts scheduled and get the hair color back to “natural” (meaning the color does grow out of your head and not from a bottle!). 

Supply Lists:  Please see website – posted under the parent tab

WINGS:  Yes – WINGS is returning!  Please see the attached information from Mrs. Henry!

Calendar:  Please see attached copy of the calendar!  Our first day is July 28, and we need 100% attendance on the first day.  Attendance is a huge part of our funding, and we need you on-campus on day 1!

Face Coverings – We continuously monitor information from the State Board of Education, NCDHHS, and NCDPI on updates as we open school.  Currently, the face-covering mandate is still in place.  Wake County started year-round school today, and they are wearing masks.  Remember that East Wake Academy is a public school, and the decision to wear a face-covering is NOT a local decision; the Governor mandates it.  The Senate bill known as the “Free the Smiles” Act is currently stuck in committee.  The Senate is not supposed to act on bills again until after July 12. If this bill passes and is signed by the Governor, the board can decide for the school. We will continue to follow this closely because we all know this is a hot topic on both sides of the debate.  Please contact your legislative representative if you want to see this change happen sooner than later! 

WINGS Information

Calendar 2021-22